Breast Cancer Month Love Bags Giveaway

Breast Cancer Month Love Bags Giveaway

                                                   Breast Cancer Awareness Love Bags Giveaway

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and we are giving away (free) specially made LOVE BAGS. We are supporting Women fighting and surviving breast cancer to comfort them and let them know they are not alone, we fight together! 

It's LOVE Bags time!  Ladies let's lift them up...please TAG a friend who is fighting the fight against breast cancer and let her know she is not alone, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and we are giving away (free) specially made LOVE BAGS  to women fighting and surviving breast cancer to comfort them and let them know they are not alone, we fight together! 

 Each day this month, we will choose one special lady to receive one of our comforting LOVE BAGS  filled with lots of LOVE and goodies like a supercool memory foam travel pillow that fits anywhere, pink Survivor gear.  We do something extra special each year, Bath and Body Works PINK bath and body items plus this year we have included our Hearts and Ribbons Survivor blanket in every Love bag!!! Please tag the women you love, who have shown incredible strength and courage fighting this awful disease! Let them know they are not alone, we stand together for HOPE and a CURE!  Be sure to LIKE/Love, Comment/TAG and SHARE!  Love bags are always free, never sold.. Please join us